Founders of Instagram to Shut Down Artifact, Their One-Year-Old News App

Founders of Instagram to Shut Down Artifact, Their One-Year-Old News App

Artifact, ‍the news app ⁢created by Instagram co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, ‍is closing down less than a year after its launch. In a note on Medium, Systrom announced ‍that the app’s “core news reading” features will be available online until the end of February, but ‍commenting and posting abilities will be ‌removed immediately.

In addition to its ⁢well-known ⁤founders, the ⁤app was recognized for its ⁢AI-centric features and ⁢its Reddit-like commenting and posting capabilities. It received ‍praise from journalists ⁣for its‍ reporter-friendly features, such as dedicated author pages,​ and was prominently featured in Apple and Google’s app stores.

However, after a year of operation, ​Systrom and Krieger faced many of the same challenges as previous founders of popular news apps. “We have created something that a dedicated group of users love, but we have determined that the‍ market opportunity is not significant enough to justify further investment,” wrote Systrom.

Although he did ⁢not…

2024-01-12 18:34:31
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