Flesh-Eating Lamprey Species Discovered

Flesh-Eating Lamprey Species Discovered

Found in roughly 160-million-year-old rocks​ in North China, ‌the Yanliao Biota is⁣ a diverse ‌array of beautifully preserved fossils, including⁣ dinosaurs, pterosaurs and ‍even early mammals. But‍ it isn’t all fur and⁢ feathers. Paleontologists have now‍ unearthed fossils of two ‍surprisingly large ancient lamprey⁤ species, swimming menaces ⁤that⁢ latched onto and bored holes into their unsuspecting neighbors.
The fossils ⁣are the oldest lamprey specimens to clearly ⁣indicate a ‌preference in feeding ​mode, say paleontologist Feixang Wu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in⁢ Beijing and colleagues. In fact, the tooth‍ arrangement of both ancient species strongly resembles that of​ a modern species of Southern Hemisphere​ flesh-eating lamprey.
Yanliaomyzon occisor — “occisor” ‌is⁢ Latin for “killer” — was⁤ the bigger ⁤of⁣ the two,‍ about 64 centimeters long,​ the length of‍ a‌ small dog. The⁣ species‌ name for ‌its smaller cousin, ⁤Y. ingensdentes, comes⁣ from the Latin for “large teeth.” Modern adult lampreys range in length from about 15 to 120 centimeters.
Lampreys, a lineage ⁤of jawless vertebrates, have been around for 360 million years. But⁣ they rarely⁤ fossilize well, leaving large gaps in their evolutionary record and uncertainty about their ecology and when​ their⁣ feeding styles evolved.

2023-10-31 ​11:00:00
Post from www.sciencenews.org

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