First Probe to Visit Mercury Launched 50 Years Ago

First Probe to Visit Mercury Launched 50 Years Ago

Off to Mercury with a cold glance — Science ​News, November 10, 1973
Mariner 10 arrived on schedule, becoming⁣ the first probe to visit Mercury and map a portion ‌of its cratered, moonlike terrain. The gravity assist ⁢that Mariner used to ⁤reach its destination is now⁢ a trusted way ‌to get around the solar⁢ system (SN: 7/12/15; SN: 7/5/18). NASA’s ⁤MESSENGER spacecraft used gravity‌ assists from Mercury, Venus and Earth to reach an orbit ⁣around Mercury⁢ in 2011, where the probe⁤ mapped the rest of the planet’s ⁤surface, uncovered evidence of past volcanism⁤ and ⁣spotted signs of‍ water ice ​and organic compounds (SN: 11/29/11; SN: 3/22/12; SN: ⁣11/30/12).
Today, the international BepiColombo mission is using gravitational assists‍ from Mercury — following one from ‌Earth and⁢ two from Venus — to steer itself into eventual ⁤orbit around the​ planet (SN: ⁢1/15/21). Beginning ​in 2025, BepiColombo will​ investigate Mercury’s​ innards and magnetic field.

2023-11-08 11:39:55
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