First-Ever Regulations on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Power Plants to be Proposed by E.P.A.

First-Ever Regulations on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Power Plants to be Proposed by E.P.A.

The Biden administration is set to announce new regulations on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, which could require them to capture their pollution. Currently, only around 20 of the 3,400 coal and gas-fired plants in the US use this technology. If implemented, this would be the first time the federal government has restricted carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants, which account for around 25% of the US’s planet-warming pollution. The proposed rule would apply to future plants as well, with almost all coal and gas-fired plants required to cut or capture nearly all of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040. The fossil fuel industry and power plant operators are expected to oppose the rule.

2023-04-22 10:33:50
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