First-ever Measurement of Molecular Charge Migration Speed in New Experimental Research

First-ever Measurement of Molecular Charge Migration Speed in New Experimental Research

To understand the interaction between light and molecules, the ‍initial step involves studying electron dynamics, which ‌occur at the attosecond ​timescale. This first step, known as charge migration (CM), plays ⁤a crucial⁤ role in chemical reactions and‌ biological processes related ⁢to light-matter interaction. However, visualizing CM at the natural timescale of electrons has been a significant ⁢challenge in ultrafast science due to the requirement for ultrafine spatial (angstrom) and ultrafast temporal (attosecond) resolution.

Experimentally, tracing CM dynamics has been complex and challenging due to its sensitive ⁣dependence on molecular orbitals and orientations. There are still unanswered questions regarding molecular CM, with one of the most fundamental being the ⁤speed ⁢at⁢ which charge migrates‍ in molecules. Despite extensive theoretical studies using⁢ time-dependent quantum ‌chemistry packages, measuring the CM speed directly has remained unattainable due to the ‌extreme difficulty involved.

In a recent publication in Advanced Photonics, a research team from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), in collaboration with theoretical⁢ teams from Kansas​ State University and University ⁤of Connecticut, proposed a method called high⁣ harmonic spectroscopy (HHS)⁢ to measure the CM speed in ‍a‍ carbon-chain molecule called butadiyne (C4H2).

The HHS method is based on the three-step model of high-order harmonic generation (HHG): ionization, acceleration, and⁣ recombination. Initially, ⁢strong field ⁣ionization creates ⁣a hole wave‌ packet ​in the ion, which evolves in the laser field. At the recombination moment, the returning electron wave packet probes the hole dynamics, and the recorded harmonic spectra provide information about the CM. The researchers⁣ utilized a two-color HHS scheme along with an advanced machine learning reconstruction algorithm to reconstruct the CM ⁣in C4H2 at ‌the most fundamental level for each fixed-in-space angle⁤ of the molecule. The method achieved a temporal resolution of 50 attoseconds.

By analyzing the retrieved time-dependent hole densities, the ‍movement of the​ center of charge can⁢ be identified, allowing for the quantification of ​the CM​ speed, which ‍was ⁣found to be several angstroms per femtosecond. Additionally, the researchers revealed the dependence of⁤ the CM speed ‍on the alignment angles of the molecule with respect to⁤ the ‍laser polarization. It was demonstrated​ that CM under ⁢laser⁢ control‍ is faster than in a field-free environment. This work provides the first experimentally ⁣derived answer regarding the speed of CM in a​ molecule.

2023-08-25 ‌13:24:03
Original from ‍ rnrn

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