‘Fires in the Dark’ Sheds Light on the Power of Healers in Alleviating Mental Distress

‘Fires in the Dark’ Sheds Light on the Power of Healers in Alleviating Mental Distress

Fires in the Dark

Kay Redfield Jamison

Knopf, $30

Kay Redfield Jamison takes the title of her new book, Fires in the Dark, from Sassoon’s vivid image of how medical psychologist, physician and anthropologist W.H.R. Rivers tended to his psychological war wounds. Jamison uses writings by both men to explore Sassoon’s therapeutic relationship with Rivers. Their story forms part of a deeper probe into how psychological pain can be healed and what it takes to be a great healer. Jamison writes movingly about topics ranging from the workings of ancient Greek healing temples to the tribulations of World War I nurses facing the limits of healing soldiers’ ravaged bodies and minds.

Jamison, a psychiatrist herself, has previously written about her personal experience with bipolar disorder, which informs this literary journey into healing (SN: 4/8/00, p. 232).

Since the dawn of humankind, certain individuals — who combine compelling personalities, a stout character and superior people skills — have stood out as healers of what Jamison has previously described as “unquiet minds.”

2023-07-07 06:00:00

Source from www.sciencenews.org

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