FBI Director Wray Raises Concerns Over China’s Growing Cyber Threats Against the US

FBI Director Wray Raises Concerns Over China’s Growing Cyber Threats Against the US

FBI Director Christopher Wray ​has raised concerns⁣ about the‌ increasing risk of Chinese cyberattacks on⁤ U.S. infrastructure during his testimony before the ⁤House Select ​Committee on the Chinese Communist Party.

Wray emphasized the urgent need to address this‌ threat, which ​not only jeopardizes economic ​security but also poses a potential danger ⁤to American citizens.

Wray’s testimony highlighted the ⁢alarming reality of Chinese hackers targeting critical components ⁣of⁤ U.S. infrastructure, including water⁣ treatment plants, the electrical grid, oil and natural gas pipelines, and transportation ‌systems.

He also emphasized that these cyberattacks go beyond mere preparation for‌ future conflicts, involving ⁤the theft of innovation, corporate data, and⁣ personal ‌information, posing ⁤a multifaceted threat to American life.

Wray’s warning aligns with the FBI’s ongoing efforts to combat Chinese hacking ⁢capabilities, with an average of two‍ investigations ⁢per day since ​2017.

Despite legal measures and diplomatic tensions, ‍the persistent⁢ threat of Chinese ​cyberattacks calls for a more‍ robust response ⁣to protect American⁢ interests.

Wray’s statement underscores the need for a cohesive ‌strategy combining legal action, ‌diplomatic efforts, and technological ‌advancements to strengthen the ‍nation’s ⁢defenses against cyber threats.

His testimony serves‌ as a ⁣wake-up ​call, urging immediate and comprehensive action to counter ‍the growing threat‌ of Chinese cyberattacks.


2024-02-04 05:00:03
Source from‍ www.ibtimes.com

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