Exploring Uncharted Territories: Mastering Nonlinear Scattering with Accuracy

Exploring Uncharted Territories: Mastering Nonlinear Scattering with Accuracy

In the intricate world of light, a journey through inhomogeneous media often leads‌ to distortions in space, time, ⁢spectrum, and polarization. These distortions, detrimental ⁣to applications like optical manipulation, imaging, and communication, have long posed a ⁤challenge. Enter the art of wavefront shaping ​(WS)—a potent tool for ⁢correcting these wave maladies ⁢in‍ linear​ optics. But that’s not all. Nonlinearity adds a twist, finding ​purpose in fields from biological⁣ sensing to phototherapy.⁣ Now, ⁣picture combining these ⁣forces—nonlinearity and‍ WS—opening doors to unprecedented control.

Yet, most‍ existing setups rely on iterative feedback loops, guzzling computational resources and time. There’s a⁤ smarter way now. As reported in Advanced Photonics, a⁤ team from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) has developed a scattering matrix (SM) method that is capable of sculpting ‍light output with minimal optimization time. As a bonus, SM ​offers⁤ insights into the scattering medium’s mesoscopic traits, unveiling⁣ memory effects and transmission⁣ eigenchannels.

The SJTU ‌team has ⁣taken the concept further. They’ve cracked the code to determine the SM of a scattering medium embedded with quadratic nonlinearity. Their method,⁢ using a 256×256 SM dimension, emerges from four-phase interferometry.⁤ They’ve proved its validity by coaxing nonlinear signals ​into refocused single and double spots, employing optical phase conjugation.

Imagine, a carefully orchestrated‌ dance of light—where a matrix row’s phase ⁢pattern triggers​ precise​ nonlinear focus. The⁢ result? Sum-frequency generation dances in multiple spots across the region of interest, each with comparable intensity and a remarkable peak-to-background ratio of about 25.

But that’s just the ‍beginning.‌ The SM method wields unparalleled nonlinear scattered light control. The researchers showcase point-by-point scans⁢ along predefined ​paths, adjusting ‌the phase ‌pattern switch⁣ speed to fine-tune scanning ⁢pace. Their breakthrough offers ⁣a doorway to high-resolution scanning microscopy and particle trapping ⁢through dense, scattering media.

2023-08-31⁣ 20:24:02
Original from⁣ phys.org rnrn

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