A team of researchers from Germany and Singapore delved into the intriguing realm of non-equilibrium states of Fermi liquids, uncovering the unique phenomenon known as the Floquet Fermi liquid (FFL). This exotic state emerges when Fermi liquids are subjected to a rhythmic driving force while in contact with a fermionic bath.
Fermions, a fundamental class of particles in the universe, adhere to Fermi-Dirac (FD) statistics governing their distribution in thermal equilibrium. Within this framework lies the captivating concept of a Fermi liquid, where fermions exhibit fluid-like behavior, akin to a liquid’s ability to flow and adapt its shape.
Central to the behavior of fermions in Fermi liquids is the presence of a Fermi surface, delineating the energy states within the system and the occupancy of fermions in filled and empty states.
The researchers embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries surrounding the response of electrons to periodic driving forces in conjunction with a fermionic heat bath, shedding light on the intricate dynamics at play.
2024-04-17 15:51:02
Post from phys.org