Cyberia Nova has created an engaging “historical educational gaming manual” centered around “The Time of Troubles”. In this unique gaming experience, players are invited to explore 17th century Moscow and then put their newfound knowledge to the test.
Players will have the opportunity to encounter boyar houses, wooden sidewalks, the Seven-story Tower, Chertolye Gate, the Streltsy settlement, and the Kolyma Yard. They will gain insights into how houses were constructed, the culinary habits of the time, the art of letter writing, the cost of a purebred horse, and much more.
Highlighted features:
- Experience the combat system in training mode without the pressure of a life-or-death situation.
- Benefit from the guidance of video blogger Klim Zhukov, who serves as a virtual tour guide.
- Conclude the game with an exam to test your knowledge of the historical material.
User reviews have praised the detailed environment, captivating graphics, and immersive atmosphere. However, the project’s optimization has been a point of contention, with numerous complaints about crashes, unstable framerate, and difficulty launching the demo. Users have also expressed dissatisfaction with the choppy animations.
“The Time of Troubles” is now available for free on VK Play. Keep in mind that “The Time of Troubles” officially commences on April 4.
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