Check out the incredible footage released by Varda Space Industries that provides a first-person view of a space capsule’s return trip to Earth. The video captures the moment it separates from its carrier satellite in orbit, its fiery reentry, and bumpy arrival at the surface. Varda’s W-1 capsule made history by landing at the Utah Test and Training Range, a military site, on February 21. After spending roughly eight months in low Earth orbit, the company finally received the government approvals needed to land on US soil. The company shared raw footage of the capsule ripping through the atmosphere at mach 25, providing an authentic look at the journey. Additionally, Varda posted a 28-minute video of W-1’s full journey home from LEO on YouTube. For a longer 5-minute edit from separation to touchdown, you can check out the full unedited raw footage and audio from separation to touchdown available on Varda’s social media channels.