Exodus: Over 666,000 Russians Flee War-Torn Homeland, Never to Return – The Bell

Exodus: Over 666,000 Russians Flee War-Torn Homeland, Never to Return – The Bell

Approximately 666,000 Russians have departed from ⁤Russia since the beginning of the conflict and have not‍ returned, as ​calculated by⁣ The Bell.

Throughout their investigation, the ​publication meticulously examined data from nearly ‍70 different host countries.⁣ This information was gathered by analyzing official statistics, statements from government officials, and direct responses from authorities⁣ in response to inquiries.​ It is important to note that the data from ‍the ⁣FSB border service only reflects ⁢the number of border crossings made by individuals in Russia,⁣ which may include multiple crossings by the same person. On the other hand,​ data from the Russian Ministry‌ of ‌Internal Affairs regarding Russians obtaining ​permanent residency in other countries ⁤is based ​solely⁤ on voluntary⁢ reports provided by the individuals themselves.

The top five destinations for Russian emigrants ​include Armenia, ⁢with 110,000 individuals relocating, followed by Israel and Kazakhstan (both with⁢ 80,000), Georgia ‍(73,500), and ⁢the United States⁢ (48,000). ‌Germany has ​welcomed 36,000 Russian expatriates, Serbia‌ approximately 30,000, and Turkey 28,000. It should be noted that these‍ figures are⁢ estimates and may vary.

The Bell highlights that while the percentage of emigrants‌ is 0.5% of Russia’s total population, it‌ represents the largest wave of emigration‌ from‌ the country in⁢ the​ past two decades. ⁣According to demographer Salavat Abylkalykov from Northumbria University in‍ the ⁤UK, as cited by the publication, this emigration trend primarily⁤ consists of a “brain drain,” where highly skilled young ​professionals⁤ are⁢ leaving the country.

Article​ from theins.ru

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