Ethnic Armenians Flee as UN Team Arrives in Nagorno-Karabakh, Marking a 30-Year Milestone

Ethnic Armenians Flee as UN Team Arrives in Nagorno-Karabakh, Marking a 30-Year Milestone

A United Nations mission has arrived in Nagorno-Karabakh during a mass exodus of‍ ethnic Armenians from​ the region after Azerbaijan recaptured the breakaway enclave last month.

An ⁣Azerbaijani⁤ presidency spokesman said the⁤ UN mission arrived in the region on Sunday morning, mainly to ‍assess humanitarian needs.

The mission,​ led by ⁣a senior UN‍ aid official, is the global body’s‍ first access to the ​region in about‍ 30 years.

Armenia has asked the⁤ International Court⁣ of Justice ​(ICJ) to order Azerbaijan to ​withdraw all its troops from civilian establishments ​in Nagorno-Karabakh ‌and ‍give the​ UN ⁣access.

The ICJ in February ordered Azerbaijan to <a href="” title=”Ethnic Armenians Flee as UN Team Arrives in Nagorno-Karabakh, Marking a 30-Year Milestone”>ensure free movement through an area known as the Lachin ‌Corridor leading to and from the region.

The World Health Organization on Sunday ​said well ⁤over 100,000 ​ethnic Armenians ​from Nagorno-Karabakh had travelled to neighbouring Armenia.

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