Environmental Change on Earth and Other Planets Unveiled through Dune Patterns

Environmental Change on Earth and Other Planets Unveiled through Dune Patterns

Dunes, the mounds of sand formed by the ⁤wind that vary​ from ripples on ‍the beach to towering behemoths in the desert, are incarnations of surface processes, climate change, and the surrounding atmosphere. For decades, scientists have puzzled over why they⁢ form different patterns.

Now, Stanford researchers have ​found ⁣a way to interpret the meaning of these patterns. Their⁣ results, published in​ Geology, can be used⁢ as⁣ a new tool for understanding environmental changes on any planetary body​ that harbors‌ dunes, including Venus, ⁤Earth, Mars, Titan, ‍Io, and Pluto.

“When you look⁢ at ⁢other⁢ planets, all you have is pictures ‍taken from hundreds to thousands⁢ of kilometers‍ away from the surface. You can ‌see dunes—but that’s it. You ⁢don’t have access​ to ⁣the surface,” said senior study author Mathieu Lapôtre, an assistant professor of​ Earth​ and planetary sciences ‌in the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability.⁣ “These findings offer a really exciting new tool‌ to decipher the​ environmental history ​of these other planets where ⁣we ⁢have no data.”

The scientists analyzed satellite images of 46 dune fields⁤ on Earth and Mars and studied how the dunes interact, or exchange ‌sand. Physically, dune interactions manifest themselves​ as locations where the‍ crestlines of two dunes get very close to each other. ⁣Through such​ interactions,‍ dunes ​evolve toward a pattern that is free of⁣ defects, reflecting‌ a state of equilibrium with local conditions.

Thus, the researchers hypothesized that a ⁢high ‌number of interactions, ⁢in turn, ‍must signal recent or‍ local changes​ in those boundary ​conditions. To test their hypothesis, they used data from Earth and Mars to verify how known changes in environmental conditions, such as wind direction or the amount of sand available, affected dune ⁣interactions⁣ in the dune‍ fields.

2023-08-02 12:00:04
Source from​ phys.org

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