Enhancing Lunar Soil Fertility through Bacterial Utilization

Enhancing Lunar Soil Fertility through Bacterial Utilization

A team of agronomists ⁣and biotechnicians at China Agricultural University has discovered that the addition of bacteria to simulated lunar regolith can increase the amount of⁢ phosphate in the soil, making it more suitable​ for plant growth. Their findings were published in ‌the⁢ journal Communications Biology. In their study, ⁤the team introduced three different types of bacteria ‍to samples of volcanic​ material ⁤and evaluated their acidity levels and their ability⁣ to support plant growth.

As various​ countries plan to send humans back to‍ the moon, one of the key challenges they face is ensuring a sustainable food source for extended periods of time. Growing their own food seems to be the most viable⁢ solution. However, ⁤transporting soil from Earth to the moon ‌for cultivating edible ‌plants⁣ poses logistical⁣ difficulties.

Some experts have ‍proposed treating lunar regolith, also known as moon soil,‌ to ⁤make it suitable for ⁢plant growth.‍ Last ⁤year, a team in the U.S. demonstrated the‍ possibility of​ growing plants in lunar regolith⁢ by cultivating a small number of thale cress weeds‌ in real lunar ‍soil samples. Although the test showed that ‌lunar soil ⁢can support plant growth, it was not sufficient for mature plants to produce food. In this new study, ⁣the research team‌ found that ⁢the addition of microbes ​to lunar soil can enhance its⁣ ability to sustain plant life.

To investigate the potential of using bacteria to⁣ improve​ the fertility of lunar ⁣regolith, the‍ research team obtained volcanic material samples from a mountain in China, which proved to‍ be a suitable​ substitute for regolith in their tests. The researchers ⁣then​ introduced one of three types of bacteria—Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus ⁤mucilaginosus—to three separate pots filled with the‌ volcanic material.

After cultivating the bacteria in the soil samples,⁢ the⁢ researchers ⁣examined the effects. They observed that the addition of ‍all‌ three types of bacteria increased the soil’s acidity, resulting in a⁢ decrease in pH levels. This process dissolved the insoluble phosphate-containing minerals in the soil, releasing phosphorus and making it available for plants.

2023-11-12 19:41:03
Article ‌from phys.org rnrn

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