Empowering Industries with PLM, IoT, and Low Code Platform: PROLIM Drives Product Innovation

Empowering Industries with PLM, IoT, and Low Code Platform: PROLIM Drives Product Innovation

Driving ​Product Innovation: PROLIM Empowers Industries ⁤with PLM, IoT, and Low Code Platform

Product innovation is the engine that propels​ industries ⁢forward. Today, new technologies like Product Lifecycle ⁣Management (PLM) and ‌the‌ Internet​ of Things (IoT)⁣ are helping to make better products across industries with remarkable success.

Prominent ⁢companies such as ⁣Ford, Magna, Ola, and Simple ⁤One in the car industry; SpaceX and Honda Jet ⁢in aerospace; along with various medical device manufacturers, serve as examples of companies harnessing⁤ these innovative technologies to propel their advancements. PROLIM, led by CEO Prabhu Patil, stands as one of the key players that empowers industries with ⁣innovative technologies.

As⁢ a conduit for transformation,‌ PROLIM provides cutting-edge solutions based on Teamcenter Software, a modern, adaptable life cycle management system to manage ‌a product’s life from⁤ concept to retirement. This process eliminates unnecessary steps, makes ⁤work ⁤more efficient, and ‌gets‍ products to market faster.

In addition, PROLIM is making waves with their industrial IoT‍ and Mendix Solutions. “As IoT​ connectivity begins to extend to machines, sensors, devices and processes in‌ an industrial setting, clear business outcomes such as increased manufacturing efficiencies, better resource ​utilization and transformed support⁣ models are ⁣driving adoption,” Ashwini⁤ Patil, PROLIM’S CTO, ⁣said. By leveraging product ‌intelligence as part of the product development ⁣process, ‍PROLIM has developed models‍ to assess the impact on ⁤the‍ development of processes, changing how products are innovated​ and built.

“To​ accomplish the promise of the Industrial IoT, we have developed IoT business models to place greater emphasis on services produced by an ecosystem⁢ of technologists ​that ‌are collaborating to‍ find the best possible, industry-wide solution rather than serving competing interests,” Patil said.

Using AI and machine learning,‌ PROLIM boosts the automation ⁢and efficiency of more complex⁢ products⁣ needed ​in the ​industrial setting. It⁢ enables the creation of advanced products like connected cars, drones and medical devices.⁣ “By⁣ putting intelligence into our IoT product development model, we’re⁤ changing how products ‍are⁢ made and how they’re innovated,” he added.

Moreover, IoT helps PROLIM to understand what customers want.‌ By analyzing consumer demographics​ and product usage patterns, ​PROLIM ensures that ‍product development caters ⁢to personalized consumer needs in the quickest possible time. This also helps them ‌gain a competitive ‍edge by predicting and staying ahead of future product ⁢development ‌trends.

As Ashwini notes, IoT’s⁤ significance in our current climate goes beyond consumer‍ goods, reaching deep into ⁤the heart of ⁣industrial ​processes. Improved manufacturing efficiencies, resource utilization, and transformed support models⁢ are just a few potential rewards. This industrial ‍IoT revolution, aptly⁣ facilitated by PROLIM’s business models, encourages a collaborative ecosystem aiming for an industry-wide solution.

In our ⁢current ⁣climate, PLM, IoT⁣ and low-code platforms⁢ like Mendix⁤ are increasingly becoming essential tools ⁣in the innovation toolkit. These⁤ tools unlock the potential hidden within ‍product data,⁤ opening the floodgates to unbridled innovation and creativity. With‍ PROLIM⁢ leading ⁢the charge, companies ‍can harness these ​digital technologies⁢ to navigate the complex landscape of product innovation, ultimately delivering value to their customers.⁤ As the SpaceX and Boeings of the world prove, these technologies are no longer a novelty, but the backbone of the modern ⁢product development⁣ process.

2023-08-18 17:24:02
Post from www.ibtimes.com

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