In a groundbreaking collaboration, Amazon and SEGA unveiled a new series inspired by the iconic Yakuza/Like a Dragon franchise. Renowned actor Ryoma Takeuchi steps into the shoes of Kazuma Kiryu, a role he never anticipated playing, as revealed in an exclusive interview with IGN Japan.
Takeuchi’s journey into portraying Kiryu began with a deep connection to the original game, sparking a personal challenge to embody the character authentically:
“The offer took me by surprise. I had prior exposure to the game series, playing the first installment with my uncle. Stepping into the shoes of a character from an established work posed a significant challenge. I pondered if I could do justice to Kiryu and if I was the right fit for this role. I knew from the start that I had to give it my all, or it wouldn’t work out.”
The Amazon series diverges from a direct adaptation of the game, opting for an original narrative. Takeuchi’s approach aimed not to mimic the game’s Kiryu but to craft his unique interpretation of the protagonist. Despite potential divergence from fan expectations, Takeuchi remains steadfast in his artistic vision:
“I hold immense respect for the fans’ sentiments. However, when embodying a character, I must stay true to my interpretation, unaffected by external expectations. I delved into the games to grasp Kiryu’s essence and present it in my own light. While I hope fans appreciate my portrayal, I can confidently say I poured my heart into portraying Kiryu. Rather than outshine the original, I sought to honor the games and forge a fresh narrative.”
Takeuchi as Kiryu.
Set against the backdrop of 1995 and 2005, viewers witness varying facets of Kazuma – from a vulnerable youth to a seasoned yakuza. Takeuchi underwent martial arts training to embody Kiryu’s combat prowess, ensuring a fitting tribute to the Dragon of Dojima.
Furthermore, Takeuchi commended director Masaharu Take’s meticulous work in recreating Kamurocho, the iconic gaming district. Even extras were carefully selected to maintain authenticity. The contrasting atmospheres of 1995 and 2005 reflect Kiryu’s evolution, symbolized through set design indicating his emotional journey.
Like a Dragon: Yakuza debuts on October 24 on Prime Video, comprising six captivating episodes.
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