Eileen Brewer’s Inspiring Journey: Empowering Change in Iraq with the Takween Accelerator Project

Eileen Brewer’s Inspiring Journey: Empowering Change in Iraq with the Takween Accelerator Project

Eileen Brewer, a global catalyst for STEM ​education and an experienced entrepreneurship advisor, recognized the potential in the MENA region, particularly in Iraq. She embarked on an⁣ inspiring journey⁤ to create a prosperous environment ⁢for young investors and startups to excel. ⁤Her 20 years of experience, inclusive expertise, and dedication led her ⁢to establish the Takween Accelerator, a project designed to provide tech accelerator-level training for startups in Iraq. Despite‍ the challenges posed by‌ the COVID-19 pandemic, Eileen and her team delivered over 100 hours of training and ‍mentorship to 12 startups from all corners ‍of⁣ the country.​ The project was fully remote, making the program more accessible and enabling students to revisit the material whenever they needed. Eileen’s impact extended beyond the 18-month contract, as she continued ⁤to support and empower businesses in Iraq. Her inspiring and fulfilling journey in Iraq has left a lasting impact on the startup ecosystem in the region. For more details, you can read the full article from⁢ www.ibtimes.com.

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