Economist Warns of Impending Climate Crisis Impact on Stock Market – Discover 2 Stocks Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future

Economist Warns of Impending Climate Crisis Impact on Stock Market – Discover 2 Stocks Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future

Stock markets have long moved to their own drummer, responding to forces that are⁣ sometimes quite different than what we ‌expect. For investors, the key to success ⁣is ​to figure out just what force – or combination of forces – is going ‌to impact the markets next.

In a recent report from the UK-based ⁢Chatham House think tank, economy and finance program director Creon Butler points to climate change as ​the next ⁤market game-changer. In fact,​ Butler sees climate issues causing a sharp market correction within 5 years.

Butler points out some ⁣of the potential fallout risks of a rapidly warming⁣ climate, and their influence on markets. His list of risks includes the⁣ emergence of new diseases, alterations ‌in ‌crop cycles reducing food supplies, tighter government regulation on carbon emissions, and a real estate pull-back from coastal areas. That last point, on property, is already impacting California, where several⁣ major home insurers have stopped writing property policies due to an…

2023-07-30 09:59:41
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