Earn Thousands of Dollars in Bonuses from Meta for Your Threads Posts

Exciting news for creators! Meta is now providing generous financial incentives to those who achieve viral success on Threads. This exclusive bonus program is by invitation only and​ aims to reward creators who utilize Meta’s latest app.

Although‍ not officially announced ⁢by ‍Meta, an Instagram support page has shared some insights into the bonus program. Creators have the opportunity to earn money based on the performance of their Threads posts or the frequency of their posts. The‌ terms‌ of these bonuses are​ tailored to each individual creator, ensuring⁤ a personalized experience. Meta emphasizes that the ​specifics of⁣ the bonus program may differ for each participant.

While ⁤currently in the testing phase, this program offers a glimpse into Meta’s strategy ​to leverage creators for increased⁣ engagement on the platform. While ‍bonuses have‍ been ‍previously offered for Reels on Facebook‌ and Instagram, this marks the first time that creators are being compensated⁣ for posts on Threads. The Threads bonus program⁢ is ⁤a testament‍ to Meta’s commitment to supporting and incentivizing creators.

2024-04-29 14:39:50
Post from www.engadget.com

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