Donald Trump Maintains Strong Lead Five Months Ahead

Donald Trump Maintains Strong Lead Five Months Ahead

With just five months to go, Donald Trump is‍ clearly leading the race. Joe‍ Biden’s ‌approval‌ rating ‌is at​ a low 39%, one of the lowest‌ for ⁤any president at ​this stage in American history. He is‌ trailing in key states by a margin of ⁢one to six percentage points.​ Even if he manages to win Wisconsin and Michigan, he would still need another swing state to secure re-election. The⁣ numbers indicate that this is not ⁤a close⁢ race, and Biden has a lot of ground to make up in the coming months. There is a possibility that Trump could widen his ⁢lead and ⁣benefit from any ⁣polling errors.

2024-06-12‌ 02:54:07
Originally posted on

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