Dmitri Peskov, Putin’s Spokesman, States that His Son Participated in the Conflict in Ukraine.

Dmitri Peskov, Putin’s Spokesman, States that His Son Participated in the Conflict in Ukraine.

Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesperson, revealed on Monday that his son had participated in the conflict in Ukraine, highlighting the uneven involvement of the Moscow elite in a war that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Russian soldiers. Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, the leader of Russia’s Wagner private military company, announced on Saturday that Peskov’s son had served as an artilleryman with his mercenary group for six months. Nikolai Peskov, the Kremlin spokesperson’s son, confirmed his alleged service to Komsomolskaya Pravda, a pro-government newspaper, in an article published the following day.

During a daily press briefing on Monday, Peskov was asked about his 33-year-old son. “It is true, he did take part in the special military operation,” Peskov told journalists, using the government’s euphemism for the war in Ukraine. He declined to provide further details.

None of the accounts…

2023-04-24 09:35:00
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