Diversification of Cichlid Fish in Lake Victoria Revealed by Study of Mud Cores

Diversification of Cichlid Fish in Lake Victoria Revealed by Study of Mud Cores

A team of⁤ biologists affiliated with multiple institutions in‍ Switzerland and ‍Tanzania has⁤ found⁤ that early cichlid diversification in Lake ‍Victoria led to⁣ their success in deep parts of the lake. ‍In their study, reported​ in the journal Nature, the⁢ group studied four sediment cores obtained‍ from the lake. Martin Genner, with ⁢the University of Bristol, has published a News & Views piece ​in the same‍ journal issue, outlining the⁤ work done by the ⁢team ⁤on this new effort.

Prior research has shown that ⁤Lake Victoria, which is Africa’s⁤ largest​ lake‌ by surface area, formed approximately 17,000 years ago. Since that time,‌ it has grown in both ‌size and depth and as fish were ⁣introduced, and some of them ​thrived—there are currently more than 500 species of cichlid fish alone, for example. In this new effort, the research team ⁤analyzed the ⁤contents ⁣of⁢ four sediment cores from different‌ parts of the ⁢lake to⁤ learn ‍more about the history of the fish that have ⁢lived in the lake over ​thousands of years.

The research team found ⁤7,623 fish tooth fossils‍ representing fish‍ living in the lake going back to when it was​ first formed, and⁣ they‌ created a timeline of fish evolution ‌in the ⁣lake. ​They found that in the early days of the lake, while it was still shallow, catfish, cichlids and carp-like cyprinoids made the lake ‌their home. ‍Later, as the lake grew deeper, they found that most of‍ the fish species‍ kept ⁣to‌ the shallows—the exceptions ⁣were cichlids, which ventured into deeper water and diversified,‍ allowing them to thrive.

The researchers⁣ suggest that cichlids were⁢ able to thrive not because they were the first to make their ​way to the lake in its early years, but because⁤ they were genetically predisposed to adapting to the lake after it was formed—they were⁤ more‍ ecologically⁤ versatile. Genner‌ notes that they ⁣had jaws that were more highly evolved ‍than their competitors, and they were also ⁢highly proficient⁣ at hybridizing with other⁣ cichlid species—characteristics that helped them thrive in deeper parts of the lake.

© 2023 Science X Network

2023-10-06 13:00:05
Article‍ from ⁢ phys.org rnrn

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