Disney’s Decision: Ending Slack Usage Following Data Breach

Disney’s Decision: Ending Slack Usage Following Data Breach

The Walt Disney Company has decided to⁤ stop using Slack after experiencing a⁣ security breach in July ⁤that led ⁣to the leak of sensitive company information. According to reports, ⁣Disney’s CFO Hugh Johnston announced that most of the company’s divisions will no longer use Slack, which is owned by Salesforce, by the end of the first quarter of fiscal year 2025.

In‍ an email obtained by Status, Johnston informed employees about the decision to transition away from Slack due to security concerns.⁢ The hacking ‍group Nullbulge was responsible for breaching Disney’s internal communication system ⁣and releasing over 1.2 terabytes of data, including images, codes,‍ logins, and details about unreleased projects.

The leaked information consisted of millions of messages,⁣ spreadsheets, and PDFs. The group claimed they were able to access the files through a user ‍with Slack access who⁤ had cookies and stated that they were based in Russia.

As a⁢ result of ⁣this breach, Disney is taking steps to ensure better security measures​ across its businesses by moving‌ away from using Slack as their communication platform.

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