Designing an Algorithm to Guide Objects along Desired Paths by Shaping Them for Ramp Rolling

A team of physicists and mathematicians ⁢at the Institute for Basic Science’s Center for Soft and Living Matter, in South Korea, working with a colleague from the ⁢University of Geneva, has ⁢developed an algorithm‍ that can be used to⁤ find the shape of ​an⁢ object to cause it to roll ⁤down a‍ ramp following a desired‌ path.

In their paper published in the journal Nature, the ⁣group describes how they developed their‌ algorithm, and possible uses‍ for it. Elisabetta Matsumoto and ‍Henry Segerman with the ⁣Georgia Institute of Technology⁢ and Oklahoma ‌State‌ University, respectively, have published⁤ a News ⁣& Views piece in the same journal issue outlining⁤ the work done by the team on this new ⁤effort.

In this new effort, the research team started with an interesting puzzle—one that‍ begins by envisioning‍ a sphere rolling down a ramp. If the sphere is imagined to‍ be made of clay,‍ it can be manipulated (deformed) as it rolls to make it conform⁢ to a given path.

If the ⁣sphere⁣ is then rolled down the⁣ ramp again,‌ it will⁢ follow the previous path‌ due to the new deformities in its shape. The ​researchers noted that the paths that could‍ be ⁤taken by the sphere could​ be nearly limitless due to the nearly ⁤limitless possible⁣ deformations.

That realization led them to wonder if the deformations that ⁤form in​ such a sphere ‌could be correlated mathematically with its path. And if ⁢so,⁣ if such math ⁤could be used to create an algorithm that could be used ‍to 3D print a⁤ sphere with⁣ deformations that would force it to follow a predetermined path.

2023-08-13 17:24:02
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