Decoding the Glow Following a Black Hole’s Morning Meal

Decoding the Glow Following a Black Hole’s Morning Meal

An⁣ international team of astronomers has ​discovered a completely new way ⁣to study⁤ the behavior of active black holes ⁢when they consume matter. This groundbreaking⁤ research, led by‌ scientists ​at Cardiff University, reveals that active black holes in the center of 136 galaxies emit microwave and X-ray light in a consistent manner, regardless of their​ appetite for surrounding⁢ galactic matter such as⁣ dust and plasma clouds. This ⁣finding challenges our current understanding of how black holes consume matter, as it suggests that these black holes may have more similarities than previously⁣ believed. For more information, please‍ visit the​ ‍ source.

2023-12-05 03:41:02

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