Deal could lead to closure of 18 facilities by Stellantis

Deal could lead to closure of 18 facilities by Stellantis

United Auto Workers⁤ members attend a solidarity rally as the UAW ​strikes ⁤the Big Three automakers on September 15, 2023 in Detroit, Michigan.

Bill Pugliano | ⁣Getty ⁣Images

DETROIT — The most recent contract proposal ‍by automaker Stellantis to ‌the United Auto Workers union could lead to the closure of 18 U.S. facilities, but it could also bring new ⁣investments and repurpose an idled vehicle assembly plant in ⁤Illinois, sources familiar with the discussions told CNBC.

The plans would likely affect ‌thousands of UAW members, ⁢shrink the automaker’s North American footprint and create a new ‍”modernized” ​parts and distribution network,⁢ which company and union leaders ⁢were at odds‌ over, ⁤the sources said.

A focal point of the plan is possible closures of 10 “Mopar” parts and⁢ distribution centers,​ which are scattered across the country, to consolidate⁢ them into larger Amazon-like⁢ distribution centers, said the sources, who⁤ spoke on the condition of anonymity because the talks are⁣ private and…

2023-09-18⁣ 16:23:16
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