Dark matter could potentially emit light due to pulsars

Dark matter could potentially emit light due to pulsars

The central question ​in the ongoing hunt for dark matter is: what is it made ⁤of? One possible answer is that dark matter consists of particles‌ known as axions. A team of⁢ astrophysicists, led by researchers from the universities of Amsterdam and‍ Princeton, has now shown ⁢that if dark⁣ matter consists ⁣of axions, it may reveal itself ‌in⁣ the form of a subtle additional glow coming from pulsating stars. Their work is published in the journal Physical Review Letters.

Dark matter may be the most sought-for ‍constituent​ of​ our universe. Surprisingly, this mysterious form​ of matter, that physicist and astronomers so ‍far have not‌ been able to⁢ detect, is assumed to make up an enormous part of what is out there.

No less than 85%⁣ of matter in the universe is suspected⁣ to be “dark,” presently only noticeable through the gravitational pull it exerts on other astronomical objects. Understandably, scientists want more. They want to really see dark matter—or at the very least, detect its presence directly, not⁤ just⁣ infer it from gravitational effects. And, ⁣of course: they want to know what it ​is.

One thing is clear: dark matter cannot be the same type of matter that you and I are⁢ made of. If that were to be the⁤ case, dark matter would simply behave like ordinary matter—it would form objects like stars,​ light up, and no longer be “dark.” Scientists are therefore looking for something new—a type ​of particle that nobody has detected yet, and that probably only interacts very weakly with the types​ of particles that we know, explaining‌ why this constituent of our‌ world so far has remained elusive.

There are plenty of clues for where to look. One popular assumption is that ⁤dark matter could be made of axions. ‍This hypothetical type of particle was first introduced in the 1970s to resolve a problem that had nothing to do⁣ with dark matter. The separation of positive and ​negative charges inside the neutron, one of the building ‍blocks of ordinary⁤ atoms, turned out to be unexpectedly​ small. ‍Scientists of course wanted to know why.

2023-10-07 10:24:03
Article ⁢from phys.org

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