Criticism Awaits Biden as He Waives 26 Laws in Texas to Facilitate Border Wall Construction

Criticism Awaits Biden as He Waives 26 Laws in Texas to Facilitate Border Wall Construction

<img alt="brown metal border wall above​ long​ grass” src=”” width=”465″ height=”278.9641203703704″ class=”dcr-evn1e9″>

Joe⁢ Biden faced intense criticism from environmental advocates,⁤ political opponents and his fellow Democrats after the president’s administration waived 26​ federal laws to ⁣allow border wall construction in south Texas, its first use of a⁢ sweeping executive power that was often​ employed under Donald​ Trump.

“A border wall is a 14th-century solution to a 21st-century problem,” the Democratic Texas congressman Henry ‍Cuellar said. “It ⁤will not bolster border security in Starr‍ county.

“I continue to ⁢stand against the wasteful spending of taxpayer ‌dollars on an ‍ineffective border ⁤wall.”

Environmental advocates said the new wall would run through public lands, habitats of endangered plants and species like the ocelot, a spotted wild cat.

“A plan ⁢to build a wall ⁤will​ bulldoze an impermeable barrier straight through the heart of that ⁢habitat,” said Laiken Jordahl, a south-west conservation advocate for ⁤the Center for Biological ‍Diversity.

“It will stop wildlife⁤ migrations⁢ dead in their tracks. It will destroy a huge amount of wildlife refuge land. And it’s a horrific‌ step backwards for the borderlands.”

During the Trump presidency, about 450 miles of barriers were built ‍along the south-west border.⁤ The Biden administration halted such efforts, though ‌the Texas governor, Greg Abbott, ‍resumed them.

A federal proclamation issued on 20 January 2021 ​said: “Building a massive ⁢wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious ‌policy solution.”

On Wednesday, border officials claimed the new project was consistent with ​that proclamation.

“Congress appropriated‍ fiscal year 2019 funds ‌for the construction of border barrier in the Rio Grande Valley, and⁢ [homeland security] is required to use ⁤those‍ funds for their appropriated purpose,”⁣ a statement said.

Deadly buoys, razor wires, armed⁢ guards: Greg‌ Abbott is fixated on keeping‌ migrants outRead more

The statement also said officials were “committed to protecting the​ nation’s cultural and⁣ natural resources and⁣ will implement sound environmental practices as part of the project covered ⁤by this waiver”.

Observers⁣ were not convinced. Referring to a famous (and much-mocked) Trump campaign promise, Matt Stoller, research director at the American⁣ Economic Liberties Project, said: “Well Mexico didn’t pay for the wall, but Biden did.”

Pointing to a campaign promise by Biden – ⁤“There will not be another foot‍ of wall constructed⁣ in my administration” – Jason Miller, a senior ‌Trump ​adviser, said: “Biden’s flip-flop here is not only ⁣a ⁣validation of President‍ Trump’s border and immigration policies,⁤ but also a validation of President Trump’s entire 2024 America First campaign!”

Polling ⁤shows Trump leads Biden when voters are asked who would handle border security better.

On Wednesday, homeland security officials posted the announcement ⁤on the ⁤US federal registry. Few details were provided about construction ‍in Starr‍ county, Texas, which is part of a busy‍ border patrol sector…

2023-10-05 09:49:15
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