Cornel West predicts Biden will have a ‘LBJ moment’ and opt out of re-election bid

Cornel West predicts Biden will have a ‘LBJ moment’ and opt out of re-election bid

Joe Biden will “have an ​LBJ⁤ moment”⁤ and ​decide not to run for re-election next year,‍ the leftwing academic and independent presidential candidate Cornel West has predicted.

Why ⁣are third party candidates ‍a threat ⁢to Biden⁤ in 2024? – podcastRead ⁣more

“I’m ​not even sure whether I’ll be running against Biden,” ​West told ⁣Politico. “Biden⁤ – I think he’s‌ going​ to have an LBJ moment [and] pull back.”

West​ was referring to the moment on 31 March ​1968 when Lyndon B Johnson,‌ in office⁤ since ​the assassination ⁣of John F Kennedy in November 1963, announced ‌that he would not seek re-election.

Johnson cited the ​war‌ in Vietnam and divisions at home. His former secretary, George Christian, said health was also a factor: Johnson ​was only 59 ‌but had suffered⁤ a heart attack 13 years ​before. He ⁢had a fatal heart​ attack five years later.

Already‌ the oldest president ever sworn⁤ in, Biden is 81 and⁤ would be 86 ⁢at the end of a second ​term. In polling, clear‍ majorities say⁣ he‌ is too⁤ old.

West told Politico he might end⁢ up running against a “B team” of younger Democrats including Gavin ⁣Newsom, ‌governor of California, and Gretchen ⁢Whitmer, governor of​ Michigan, because‌ Biden ‌was “running out⁣ of gas”.

He did not mention Kamala Harris, Biden’s vice-president.

At 70, West is‌ seven years younger⁢ than the⁢ most likely‌ Republican candidate, the former ⁤president, 91-time criminal indictee and adjudicated rapist Donald Trump.

Trump,‍ West said, ⁤was a “bona⁤ fide gangster, neo-fascist Pied Piper leading the country for a second ​civil war”.

But he⁣ called Biden “a milquetoast neoliberal with military adventurism, possibly leading the world toward world war‌ three”.

“I’m more concerned about⁢ Trump ⁣domestically,” West said. “I’m more concerned about⁤ Biden in ⁢terms of foreign policy.”

The Biden campaign did not comment.⁢ A Trump spokesperson ⁣misspelled West’s ​name (“Cornell”) and said⁢ he should “go ‍back to liberal⁤ academia instead of⁢ playing pretend politics. He still​ hasn’t graduated from the kids table.”

West does not perform as strongly in polling as​ another ​independent seen as a potential spoiler in favour of Trump, the attorney and campaigner Robert F Kennedy Jr.

West told Politico: “I don’t accept​ the spoiler category. A vote for Biden,‍ a vote for Trump is a vote for Biden and a vote for Trump.

“There might be‍ slices of people [who say], ‘If I didn’t vote‍ for ⁢West, I would have voted for Biden.’⁣ But‍ that’s not to me a spoiler. If ⁢you’re in a race, and you make a case, and ⁢they ⁢vote for you,⁣ how do you become the spoiler?”

Polling indicates Biden’s weakness against ⁢all⁣ Republican candidates.‍ West said he campaigned for Biden in 2020 but did not vote for him.

“When​ I got⁢ in there,”⁢ he said, “I don’t know if it was the Holy Ghost [but] something hit⁤ me: I⁣ said, ⁤‘Naw, I can’t vote for this⁤ gangster.’”

‘There is no alternative’: Cornel⁣ West,‍ presidential hopeful,⁤ is⁣ not backing downRead more

West ‍was…

2023-12-15⁣ 13:33:32
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