Cooperman’s New Memoir Reveals Warren Buffett’s Correspondence on Stock Buybacks, Taxing the Wealthy, and the Presidency

Cooperman’s New Memoir Reveals Warren Buffett’s Correspondence on Stock Buybacks, Taxing the Wealthy, and the Presidency

Leon Cooperman

Leon ⁣Cooperman.Jeff‌ Zelevansky/Reuters

Warren Buffett ‌wrote to Leon Cooperman about stock buybacks, taxing the rich, and Henry Singleton.

When‌ Cooperman was ⁣mulling a presidential run, Buffett joked he⁣ could “deliver Nebraska” for him.

Cooperman shared a trio of messages he received from Buffett in his newly published memoir.

Warren Buffett ⁢wrote to Leon⁣ Cooperman about subjects ranging from Henry Singleton and Teledyne to stock buybacks, income taxes,‍ and Cooperman’s potential presidential bid.

Cooperman, the ​former CEO of⁣ Goldman Sachs’ asset‌ management division, shared three missives from Buffett in his‍ newly published memoir: “From the Bronx to Wall‌ Street: My Fifty ⁤Years in Finance and Philanthropy.”

Here are the three messages and the context around them:

1. Dear editor

Cooperman, who converted​ his Omega Advisors hedge⁣ fund into a family office in⁢ 2018, penned an open letter to the‍ editor of Business Week in 1982. He was annoyed by the magazine’s critical profile of Henry Singleton,…

2023-09-09 13:50:01
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