Collaboration of Expedition 69 and Ax-2 for Space Biology Research

Collaboration of Expedition 69 and Ax-2 for Space Biology Research

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What benefits does the joint experiment of Expedition 69 and AX-2 bring to the field of space biology?


On November 17th, 2022, the International Space Station (ISS) will welcome Expedition 69 – a team of six astronauts and cosmonauts from around the world. One of their main goals during their six-month mission will be to conduct experiments on space biology, working closely with the Ax-2 team on Earth.

What is Space Biology?

Space biology is the study of how living organisms behave and function in space. Experiments in this field can help us understand the effects of microgravity and radiation on the human body, as well as investigate the possibility of growing food and other resources on long-duration space missions.

Experiments to be Conducted

During their mission, Expedition 69 will conduct several space biology experiments, with guidance and support from the Ax-2 team. These will include:

The Role of Ax-2

The Ax-2 team, based at the University of California, Davis, will work closely with Expedition 69 on the space biology experiments. They will provide guidance on experimental design, data analysis, and troubleshooting, as well as perform complementary experiments on Earth to help interpret the results from space.

Why is this Important?

Space biology research has wide-ranging implications for human spaceflight and exploration, as well as for the future of agriculture and biotechnology. By conducting experiments in microgravity, we can gain a better understanding of how living organisms adapt and evolve in extreme environments. This knowledge can then be applied to improve life on Earth and enable future missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond.


Expedition 69 and the Ax-2 team are poised to make significant contributions to the field of space biology during their collaborative mission. Their experiments will advance our knowledge of living systems in space, and pave the way for future breakthroughs in space exploration and biotechnology. rnrn

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