Climate Change Identified as Cause of Tibetan Empire Collapse in 9th Century: Paleolimnological Study

Climate Change Identified as Cause of Tibetan Empire Collapse in 9th Century: Paleolimnological Study

The Tibetan Empire was ⁢the world’s⁢ highest elevation empire, ⁤sitting ‌over 4,000m above sea level, and thrived‌ during 618 to 877 CE. Home to an estimated 10 million ⁤people, it spanned approximately 4.6 million km2 across East⁤ and Central Asia, extending into northern ⁢India.

Considering the hostile conditions ⁣for populations to expand, ⁢including ‍hypoxia ⁤where oxygen concentrations are⁢ 40% lower than at​ sea ⁣level, it is ⁤incredible that the empire flourished. However, its collapse in⁢ the 9th century is‌ not fully understood, with new research ‍published in Quaternary Science Reviews aiming to‌ untangle the role climate may‍ have played in the‌ end of a great civilization.

Zhitong Chen, from the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research,⁤ China, and colleagues⁣ turned⁣ to the geological ‍record ‍of​ lake sediments (paleolimnology) to determine how the environment changed 12 ‍centuries ago. Xardai Co’s freshwater lake sediments preserve the remains of ⁢microscopic single-celled algae known as diatoms, with the research team noting a significant⁢ change from planktonic varieties ‌(those drifting within a water ‍body, generally​ nearer to the surface)⁤ to benthic forms (living near the lake floor). This​ is interpreted as representing a shift‍ to drier conditions, therefore lowering ⁢lake levels.

There is ​a‌ distinct ⁣pattern⁤ of high lake⁤ levels, suggesting⁣ warm and humid conditions prevailed during the⁣ rise and ⁣peak of the Tibetan Empire ca.‌ 600-800 CE, before conditions intensified to severe drought, coinciding with the empire’s collapse ca. 800-877 CE. ⁤Chen and collaborators⁤ link drought⁢ with the likelihood of crop ⁤failure leading to social unrest among the population, alongside religious ⁤and political challenges, thus consequently the ​empire’s demise.

The Tibetan Plateau is extremely sensitive to changes in climate due to its elevation, with temperature and precipitation fluctuations varying significantly from the average experienced across Earth. ​The study lake, Xardai Co, is typically ice covered today⁤ from ‌November to ‌April,⁤ but experiences local temperature shifts between –12.1°C and 14.1°C,⁢ as ​well as 71mm⁤ annual rainfall. These factors have ⁤important consequences on‍ lake ‍levels and ⁢therefore the ⁢organisms that‌ live within them.

2023-09-06 ‌22:48:03
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