Climate change adds complexity to nitrogen runoff management

Climate change adds complexity to nitrogen runoff management

As climate change progresses, rising ⁣temperatures may have a greater impact on ⁣nitrogen runoff from ⁤land‌ to lakes and streams compared to projected increases in total and extreme precipitation​ for most of the continental United ​States, according to new research from⁤ a team of Carnegie climate‌ scientists led⁤ by Gang Zhao and Anna Michalak published in the Proceedings‌ of the National Academy of ​Sciences.

The conditions predicted ⁢by these ⁤findings are⁢ opposite to recent decades, in which increasing precipitation has exceeded warming and resulted in more ⁢aquatic nitrogen pollution. Understanding the relative roles of changes in temperature and rainfall is crucial for designing water ⁤quality management strategies that can withstand climate change while ensuring sustainable food and water supplies.

Human activity has completely⁤ altered how nitrogen moves‌ through the planet’s⁢ aquatic, terrestrial, and⁣ atmospheric systems. ⁢Nitrogen from fertilizer​ washes⁢ into waterways,⁤ and in excessive amounts, can lead ‍to toxin-producing algal blooms or low-oxygen dead zones⁣ called hypoxia. Over the⁣ past several summers, large algal blooms in lake and coastal regions across the⁤ United States have received extensive ‍news coverage.

Carnegie’s Anna Michalak and ​her team have spent the last decade ‌studying ⁢how climate change will affect nitrogen runoff and the subsequent⁣ risks to water quality. One of the major questions for those working to understand and‌ prevent serious water⁢ quality impairments is the balance between the⁣ effects of‌ temperature and precipitation changes⁣ on ‌nitrogen pollution in vulnerable⁤ waterways.

“The complex⁤ soil and aquatic systems ​through which ⁤nitrogen ⁤travels, the chemical ​transformations it undergoes along the way, and the various ways in which changes in temperature‍ and‌ precipitation will affect these processes make nutrient management a significant challenge,” ‌Zhao explained.

2023-08-09 00:48:03
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