Classical Lullaby Proven to Alleviate Pain in Newborns during Heel Pricks

Classical Lullaby Proven to Alleviate Pain in Newborns during Heel Pricks

The⁣ soothing tones of a classical lullaby may help ‌to ⁤relieve the pain newborns can feel from routine ‍medical procedures. The mellifluous‍ method could​ be a beneficial⁢ addition⁤ to ⁢other pain-easing tactics.
“Since they gave sucrose, it’s ‌hard to say yes, ‍music by itself would help,” says Mallory ⁤Perry-Eaddy, a pediatric intensive care unit⁢ nurse and a nurse scientist at the University of Connecticut in Storrs. But combining ⁢music with other⁣ pain-relieving methods “could be really useful.”
Until fairly recently, the medical community did not believe newborns experienced pain.⁣ But over the last⁢ several decades, studies have revealed that infants do perceive pain, ​and they⁤ may be ⁤more sensitive to painful ⁢stimuli than adults are. Enduring repeated pain-inducing procedures without pain-relief treatment​ can have lasting neurological consequences for infants, including a heightened perception of ​pain.
“It’s very​ important ‍that we do ⁤try to​ stay on top of [pain] prior to procedures,” says Perry-Eaddy, rather​ than just trying to alleviate pain afterwards.

2023-09-01‌ 06:00:00
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