Chinese Networks Reportedly Had Months of ‘Deep, Persistent Access’ to Japanese Systems

Chinese Networks Reportedly Had Months of ‘Deep, Persistent Access’ to Japanese Systems

Late last year, Nikkei Asia​ reported that Japan was planning to add thousands of personnel to‌ its military cyber‍ defense unit.‍ Now, we might ‍know ⁢why ‌— ​according ⁣to a report from the Washington Post, hackers in China had “deep, ⁢persistent access” to Japanese defense networks. When the National ⁢Security Agency is said​ to have first discovered the breach in late⁢ 2020,⁢ NSA Chief and Commander of⁤ US ⁣Cyber⁤ Command General Paul Nakasone flew to‌ Japan with White⁤ House deputy national security advisor⁢ Matthew Pottinger to ⁤report the breach to officials.

Despite briefings that reached as‍ high as Japan’s‍ prime minister, the Washington Post reports that hacking from China remained an issue for⁢ several ‌months, ⁤persisting through the end⁣ of the Trump​ administration⁢ and well into early 2021.

US Cyber Command ‌initially offered Japan assistance in purging its systems of malware but were‌ reportedly rebuffed because the country was not​ comfortable with another nation’s military accessing their…

2023-08-07 ‌18:35:16
Original from china-reportedly-had-deep-persistent-access-to-japanese-networks-for-months-233516478.html?src=rss” target=”_blank” style=”color:blue” rel=”noopener”>

Late last year, Nikkei Asia reported that Japan was planning to add thousands of personnel to its⁣ military cyber defense unit. Now, we ⁣might know why —⁢ according to a report from the Washington Post, ⁤hackers in China⁢ had “deep,‍ persistent access” to Japanese defense networks. When the National Security Agency is said to​ have first discovered the breach in late 2020, NSA Chief and Commander of US Cyber Command General Paul ⁣Nakasone flew to ⁤Japan with‌ White House deputy national‌ security⁤ advisor Matthew Pottinger to report the breach to‌ officials.

Despite⁢ briefings⁤ that reached as high ‍as ⁢Japan’s prime minister, the Washington Post reports​ that hacking from China remained an issue⁣ for several months, persisting through the end of ‌the Trump administration and well into early 2021.

US Cyber Command ⁢initially offered Japan assistance in purging⁣ its systems ‌of malware but were reportedly rebuffed because the country was not comfortable with another ‍nation’s⁣ military ‌accessing their…

2023-08-07 18:35:16
Original from‌

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