Chinese envoy called in by Canada over accusations of intimidating legislator

Chinese envoy called in by Canada over accusations of intimidating legislator

Canada’s Foreign Minister, Melanie Joly, has announced that the Chinese ambassador, Cong Peiwu, has been summoned following allegations of threats made against an opposition party legislator and his family. Joly has faced pressure to address allegations of Chinese interference in Canadian politics and has instructed her deputy to convey to Cong that any form of foreign interference will not be tolerated. Joly has also stated that all options, including the expulsion of diplomats, remain on the table as they consider the consequences of this behavior.

During a parliamentary committee hearing on Thursday, Joly stated that “what has happened is completely unacceptable. I cannot imagine the shock and concern of learning that your loved ones have been targeted in this way.” The Globe and Mail newspaper reported on Monday that China had sought information about any relatives of a Canadian legislator “who may be located” within its borders, in an effort to “make an example of this MP and deter others” from taking anti-China positions. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) report did not name the lawmaker, but the Globe identified the politician as Michael Chong, a member of the opposition Conservative Party of Canada.

2023-05-04 16:00:03 Canada summons Chinese envoy over alleged legislator intimidation
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