Chinese Astronomers Make Groundbreaking Discovery of New Tidal Disruption Event

Chinese Astronomers Make Groundbreaking Discovery of New Tidal Disruption Event

Astronomers from⁢ the ​University⁢ of Science ⁤and ⁢Technology ⁢of ‍China in ​Hefei ​report the discovery of a ‍new faint ‌tidal​ disruption event (TDE). ⁣The ‍newfound TDE, designated‌ AT ⁢2023clx is the faintest⁣ and‌ closest ​optical TDE so far ⁤detected.⁢ The finding ​was‍ published July‍ 10 on the​ preprint​ server arXiv.

TDEs‍ are astronomical ‍phenomena ‍that occur ‍when⁢ a star passes close⁤ enough to ⁤a ​supermassive‌ black hole and⁢ is pulled apart by the ⁣black hole’s ‍tidal forces, causing⁣ the​ process of disruption. ‍Such ​tidally​ disrupted ⁤stellar debris starts raining ‌down on the black hole, ‍and⁤ radiation‍ emerges ⁤from the​ innermost⁢ region of accreting debris, which is an ‍indicator of ⁤the presence ⁣of a TDE.

For⁤ astronomers⁢ and astrophysicists, TDEs ⁣are potentially important probes ⁤of⁢ strong gravity and accretion ⁢physics, providing‍ answers ⁢about‌ the formation ‍and evolution of ‌supermassive black holes.

Now,⁣ a team of astronomers​ led by Jiazheng Zhu has found a new TDE ⁣in a​ nearby ​star-forming‌ galaxy known ⁤as ⁢NGC 3799. Using mainly the Las ‍Cumbres Observatory ‍Global Telescope⁣ network (LCOGT)‌ and NASA’s Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, they​ conducted⁣ follow-up⁢ observations of AT ⁤2023clx—a transient source ⁣initially identified in ⁤2014.⁣ The ‌observational campaign confirmed the⁢ previous⁢ assumption that AT⁤ 2023clx is a ⁣faint TDE.

“In this ⁢work,‍ we report the ​discovery of ‌a ⁤new ​faint⁤ TDE‍ in NGC 3799, ⁤a ⁤main-sequence ⁣star-forming ‌galaxy ‍located at⁤ a distance of only ∼50 Mpc,” the researchers wrote in the paper.

2023-07-18‍ 21:48:03
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