Charting the Future: Quantum Computing’s Role in Particle Physics

Charting the Future: Quantum Computing’s Role in Particle Physics

Experts⁣ from ‌CERN,‌ DESY, IBM Quantum, and others ⁤have​ published a white paper identifying⁢ activities ⁤in particle‌ physics that⁤ could​ benefit ‍from ⁤the application of ‌quantum-computing technologies.

Last week,⁢ researchers ⁣published ⁢an important ⁤white paper identifying​ activities‌ in particle⁣ physics⁢ where⁣ burgeoning quantum-computing technologies‌ could⁢ be applied.‍ The paper, ⁣authored by experts⁤ from ‌CERN, ⁢DESY, IBM Quantum, and over​ 30 ‍other‌ organizations,‍ is now available‌ as a ‍preprint⁢ on ⁤arXiv.

With⁤ quantum-computing technologies⁤ rapidly⁤ improving, ⁤the⁣ paper‍ sets out where⁢ they could ⁣be ​applied⁤ within⁣ particle physics ⁣in ​order ⁣to help tackle computing challenges related ⁢not ‍only ⁢to ‌the ⁤Large Hadron‍ Collider’s ambitious⁢ upgrade​ program, ​but​ also ⁤to other ⁣colliders and low-energy⁤ experiments⁢ worldwide.

The ‌paper was​ produced⁣ by ⁣a ⁣working‍ group⁢ set up ‍at the​ first-of-its-kind “QT4HEP” conference, held ‌at CERN last November. Over ‍the‌ last ‌eight months, the 46 members of this‌ working ​group ⁢have⁣ worked⁢ hard‌ to ‍identify ‍areas ⁣where ​quantum-computing technologies could ​provide a‌ significant boon.

The areas ‌identified relate‌ to both⁤ theoretical and​ experimental ‌particle physics. The ⁢paper‌ then ​maps these areas⁢ to “problem ⁣formulations” ‌in⁣ quantum ​computing. ⁢This is an​ important⁢ step in⁣ ensuring ‍that ⁢the particle physics community is well ⁣positioned ‍to‍ benefit ​from⁢ the massive potential​ of ⁤breakthrough new‌ quantum ‌computers when‌ they ‌come online.

2023-07-18 00:24:03
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