Characterizing habitable planets in a novel manner

Characterizing habitable planets in a novel manner

For decades, science fiction authors ⁣have imagined scenarios in⁣ which‍ life thrives on the harsh​ surfaces‍ of Mars or⁤ our moon, or in the oceans ‌below​ the icy⁣ surfaces⁢ of Saturn’s moon Enceladus and ⁤Jupiter’s moon⁢ Europa. But⁣ the study of habitability—the conditions required‌ to support ‌and sustain life—is ‍not just​ confined to⁤ the ⁣pages of ‍fiction. As ⁢more planetary bodies in our ⁤solar system and ⁤beyond are investigated for their potential to host conditions favorable to life, researchers are debating how to characterize⁤ habitability.

“Time is‍ a crucial factor in⁢ characterizing habitability,” says ⁢Mark Simons, John W. and Herberta M. Miles⁣ Professor of⁤ Geophysics⁢ at Caltech. “You need time for ⁢evolution to happen.⁣ To ⁤be ‌habitable for a millisecond or a year is not enough. ‌But if⁢ habitable conditions are sustained for a million years, or a billion…? Understanding a planet’s habitability takes a nuanced⁤ perspective ​that ⁢requires astrobiologists ​and geophysicists to talk to each other.”

This perspective‍ paper, which ​appears in ‍the journal Nature⁣ Astronomy on December 29, is a collaboration between Caltech⁤ scientists on the⁤ Pasadena campus ⁣and at JPL, which Caltech manages for NASA, ‍along with colleagues representing a variety⁤ of‌ fields.

The study emphasizes new directions for future missions to measure habitability on other worlds, using Saturn’s​ icy ⁣moon ‌Enceladus as ⁢a primary ⁣example.​ Enceladus is covered in ice⁣ with a salty ocean⁢ beneath. In the ⁣last decade, NASA’s‌ Cassini mission‍ acquired chemical ​measurements of plumes‌ of water‍ vapor⁢ and ice grains jetting out from fissures ⁤at Enceladus’s⁢ south pole,‌ discovering the ⁤presence of⁣ elements ⁣like carbon and ‌nitrogen that could‍ be conducive to life as we know it.

These geochemical properties are sufficient to ​describe the moon’s “instantaneous” ⁣habitability. However, to truly characterize Enceladus’s long-term habitability, the‌ paper emphasizes that ‍future planetary missions ⁢must study geophysical‍ properties that indicate how long the ocean has been there, and how heat and ​nutrients flow between the core, the interior ⁢ocean, ⁤and the⁣ surface. These‌ processes create important geophysical signatures that can be observed, as they ⁢affect⁢ features ​such as the topography and thickness of⁣ Enceladus’s​ ice crust.

2024-01-01 02:00:03
Post from rnrn

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