CEO shares a message for the new year

CEO shares a message for the new year

A new year’s message from the CEO

Dear friends and colleagues,
Happy New Year! This time ⁣last year, for the‍ ninth year in a row,​ I warned you that there had never been a⁣ more uncertain outlook for our‍ business. My message this year ⁤is exactly the same, only more so. The fog of‍ unpredictability is again playing havoc with⁣ the ‍clear ​skies of planning.

We all know the term “permacrisis”. We have all heard of⁢ the acronym “VUCA”, which stands for volatility, ‌uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. We all understand that the fourth⁤ industrial revolution is upon ⁢us. But my belief is that these three great forces have come together ‌in an​ age of what‌ I am christening “permavucalution”.

It is my contention that three ‍big ⁣permavucalutionary trends are ‌at work. One is artificial intelligence. This technology will turbocharge the pace⁢ of change. Don’t just take my word for it.‍ The ⁤World Economic Forum thinks so, too. AI is so disruptive that it may ⁣end ‌up disrupting disruption itself. If ‌you are struggling ‌to make sense of that sentence,‌ don’t​ worry: you are not alone.

2024-01-01 12:52:15
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