Careful Monitoring Required for Money-Market Funds’ Risks

Careful Monitoring Required for Money-Market Funds’ Risks

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The writer is ⁣a former ⁢investment banker and author of ‘Power Failure: The Rise⁢ and⁤ Fall of an American​ Icon’

In the ⁢last 10 years, both retail and ​institutional investors have swarmed into US money-market mutual funds, supposedly⁢ a safe⁤ place⁣ to park money in the short term ​while⁣ figuring out⁢ what else‍ to⁤ do with it. At the moment, some⁤ $5.6tn of cash⁢ sits⁤ in ⁣these funds, according to the Investment Company Institute, up from $2.6tn a decade ago.

Is⁣ this something ‍to worry about,⁤ or⁣ just ⁣a reflection of the human​ instinct‍ to creep up ‌the risk scale in exchange for a higher yield? According ‍to Crane Data, the top-yielding money-market funds are these days offering investors an annual‌ return of ‌around ⁢5 per cent.

Investors have noticed. According‌ to The Kobeissi Letter, since the Federal Reserve started raising interest ​rates in March ⁣2022, ⁤some…

2023-09-22 23:00:38
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