Carbon Nanotube Emitter Exhibits Coherent Ultrafast Photoemission, Research Team Shows

Carbon Nanotube Emitter Exhibits Coherent Ultrafast Photoemission, Research Team Shows

A joint research team led by Prof. Dai Qing and Prof. Li Chi from the National ⁤Center ‍for Nanoscience and ⁤Technology (NCNST) ⁣of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has demonstrated the coherent ultrafast ⁢photoemission from a single quantized energy level of a⁣ carbon ⁤nanotube. The study was published in‌ Science Advances on Oct. 12.

Exploring dynamical processes at extreme spatiotemporal scales is pivotal for scientific and technological advancements. This is particularly true in the microscopic​ realm, where most movements are‌ ultrafast, especially at the atomic spatial scale, since ultrafast⁤ processes can reach durations of a few femtoseconds or even attoseconds.

Compared with ultrafast light pulses, ultrafast⁣ electron pulses offer both high temporal ⁤and spatial resolution, making them a promising ⁤next-generation ultrafast characterization technology‍ that could potentially exceed attosecond light pulses.

The monochromaticity⁤ of the⁤ electron source is vital ⁣for achieving high spatial resolution. However, the strong interaction between electrons and the optical field results in excited electrons occupying a wide ‌range of energy levels. ⁢This​ leads⁤ to‍ significant ⁢energy dispersion (>600meV) in ultrafast ⁤electron sources that rely ⁣on traditional ⁣metal nanostructures.

To address this issue, Prof.​ Dai’s team proposed the use of carbon nanotubes as ultrafast electron source materials, ⁤replacing conventional metal nanostructures in their previous study.

2023-10-16⁤ 09:00:04
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