Capricornus: The Constellation of the Sea Goat

Capricornus: The Constellation of the Sea Goat

Constellation Capricornus


Capricornus, also ⁢known as‍ the Sea Goat, is ​one of ⁢the zodiac constellations visible in​ the southern ​sky. It is located‌ on the celestial equator‍ and can be seen in both the Northern⁤ and Southern Hemispheres during‍ different times of the ⁤year.


The Capricornus constellation is depicted as a hybrid creature with the upper body of a goat⁣ and the tail of a fish, symbolizing the​ connection‍ between‌ earth and‌ water. It is associated with the⁢ Babylonian​ god Ea, ‍who⁢ was ⁤depicted‌ as a wise and mystical ​being.

Starry Myths

Ancient myths often associated Capricornus with a ‍prominent⁣ figure from Greek mythology – the goat-like god Pan. According to the legend, Pan‍ sought refuge‌ from the ⁣monstrous Typhon by transforming into a fish and diving into the river. However, before completely⁤ transforming, only his lower-half turned into a fish, while the upper-half remained ​goat-like,‍ becoming the constellation we ⁢know today.

Notable Stars

Capricornus ‌contains several notable stars, such ⁣as:


Capricornus can⁢ be ⁤found between the constellations Sagittarius and Aquarius.⁢ It is best visible during late summer and early autumn ‌in ‌the Northern Hemisphere and during ⁢late ‍winter‍ and early spring ⁣in ⁣the Southern Hemisphere.


The Capricornus constellation, with its rich mythology and prominent​ stars,‍ continues to capture the imagination of ⁤stargazers around⁢ the world. Its unique depiction and celestial positioning make it a fascinating sight to behold.

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