Can smaller LLMs assist the chip industry in meeting the demands of AI?

Can smaller LLMs assist the chip industry in meeting the demands of AI?

Generative⁢ artificial intelligence (AI) in the⁢ form ⁣of natural-language processing technology has taken the world by ⁤storm, with organizations large and small rushing to pilot it in a ‌bid to ​automate ​tasks⁢ and ⁣increase ⁢production.

Tech giants⁣ Google, Microsoft, and‍ Amazon are all ‍offering cloud-based genAI technologies or baking them into⁣ their business ⁢apps for users, with global‍ spending on AI by companies expected to reach $301 billion by 2026, according to‌ IDC.

But genAI tools consume a lot of ⁣computational resources, primarily for training up the large language models (LLMs) that underpin  the likes of ⁢OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. As the use of genAI increases, so ​too does the strain on the hardware used ⁢to ‍run those ⁢models, which are the information storehouses for natural language⁤ processing.

Graphics‍ processing units ⁤(GPUs),‌ which are created by‍ connecting together different chips — such as processor and memory chips —​ into a single package, ⁤have become the foundation of ​AI platforms because​ they offer the bandwidth‍ needed to train and‍ deploy LLMs. But AI chip manufacturers can’t keep up ⁤with ‍demand. ​As a result, black markets ⁣for AI GPUs have ⁢emerged​ in recent ⁣months.

Some blame the shortage on companies such as Nvidia, which has ​cornered the market on GPU production and has a stranglehold on ​supplies. Before the rise ‍of AI, Nvidia designed and produced high-end processors that helped create ‌sophisticated graphics in video games — the kind of specialized processing⁢ that is now​ highly applicable to machine learning and AI.

AI’s thirst for GPUs

In ‌2018, OpenAI released an analysis showing since 2012, the amount⁢ of computing power⁤ used‌ in ​the largest AI training runs had been increasing exponentially, doubling every 3.4 months ⁣(By comparison, Moore’s ​Law posited that ⁤the number of transistors‌ in an integrated circuit ⁤doubles every two years).

“Since ​2012, this⁣ metric has grown⁤ by more ​than 300,000x (a 2-year doubling period ⁣would yield only a 7x ‌increase),” OpenAI said in its report. “Improvements⁤ in‍ compute have been a key component of AI⁣ progress, so as long as⁢ this trend ⁣continues, it’s worth preparing for⁣ the⁣ implications‍ of systems far outside today’s​ capabilities.”

There’s no reason to believe ​OpenAI’s thesis has⁣ changed; in fact, with the introduction of ChatGPT ⁢last November, demand soared, according to Jay Shah, a ⁢researcher with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). “We are currently seeing a huge surge in hardware ​demands​ — mainly GPUs — from big tech companies to train ⁤and test ⁢different AI models to improve⁢ user experience and ​add ​new features to their⁤ existing products,” he said.

At⁢ times, LLM ⁣creators such as OpenAI⁣ and Amazon appear to be in a battle to claim ⁣who can‍ build the largest model. Some now exceed 1 trillion parameters in size, meaning they require even more ⁤processing‍ power to train and run.

“I don’t ⁣think making…

2023-09-30 11:24:03
Post from rnrn

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