Can Playing Video Games Make You Smarter?

Can Playing Video Games Make You Smarter?

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Video games have been around for decades. As technology has gotten better and better, so have the ways they can be played. With the increasing popularity of video games, many people are wondering if they can make someone smarter.

Positive Effects of Video Games

Studies have shown that playing video games can be beneficial in many ways. Regular game play can:

Depending on the type of game played, it can even improve creativity. Learning to think outside the box and find a way to progress through the levels can lead to applying the same thought process to life.

Negative Effects Of Video Games

Playing video games can also be detrimental if done in excess or if the wrong types of games are chosen. Too much time dedicated to gaming can lead to physical and mental health problems, especially if the games involve violence. Games that get progressively harder can end up being discouraging and disheartening, instead of encouraging and rewarding.


Video games can be a great way to pass the time and challenge your thinking. However, it is important to be mindful of how much time is spent playing and what type of games you are playing. With the right tools, video game play can lead to a smarter and more creative you. In recent years, video games have become an integral part of our lives. From young children to elderly adults, video gaming can be seen in just about every demographic. While many have seen video games as nothing more than a fun way to pass time, recent research has suggested there is also more to video gaming than meets the eye. The debate over whether playing video games can make you smarter has been a hot topic of debate with educators and scientists alike.

Proponents of video game intelligence state that the instructional and mental role-playing that occurs in games can increase IQ scores. In addition, the hand-eye coordination, multitasking, and problem-solving skills necessary to play video games successfully can help to sharpen cognitive processes, leading to an increased capacity for better understanding.

Critics of the claim argue that video games should be seen as nothing more than leisure activity and can’t be trusted to improve cognitive abilities. It has been argued that long-term engagement with video games does not necessarily lead to long-term educational or behavioral benefits.

Despite the ongoing debate, research suggests that video games have the potential to make us smarter. Studies conducted on students have shown that students exposed to educational video games scored higher on tests than those who weren’t exposed. It is also possible that playing certain types of games could increase focus, concentration, and problem-solving skills.

In conclusion, the question of whether playing video games can make you smarter is still up for debate. While some may argue that prolonged engagement with video games is nothing more than an entertaining pastime, scientific evidence has shown there are educational benefits associated with video gaming. With further research, more information could be gathered on this topic, unlocking the potential of making video games a tool for increasing intelligence.

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