Can Apple’s double-tap gesture effectively address the mobile/human interface challenge?

Can Apple’s double-tap gesture effectively address the mobile/human interface challenge?

Smartphones are arguably more powerful than PCs. Consider that the iPhone⁣ 12, at 11 teraflops, outperformed the Cray 2 supercomputer by over 5000 times. And ⁢that’s a now-three-year-old ‌phone.

Even Samsung argues that⁢ modern smartphones​ are more powerful than PCs. Even if that isn’t⁤ true for ⁤high-end PCs, the performance of the two classes of devices is very close between top-end smartphones and high-volume PCs with integrated graphics.

So‍ why haven’t we ⁢yet ditched PCs for smartphones? ‌Because of the human interface. A computer uses a keyboard and mouse (or trackpad), while a smartphone, which ditched the physical keyboard with⁤ the arrival of the first iPhone, typically relies on a virtual keyboard⁤ and touch, both of which compromise an‌ already much smaller display.

Head-mounted displays might some day solve the screen-size issue, but the ⁤lack of a keyboard and⁣ mouse for‌ input and navigation remains a big impediment to losing the increasingly redundant PC.

This week, Apple ‍launched the iPhone 15 and‍ a new Apple Watch. The Apple Watch has even less screen real ⁢estate (by a lot) than the iPhone, but it now come with a new feature that could up-end things: a double-tap capability that could open the door ⁢to a⁣ new interface that replaces the keyboard and mouse and will work with a head-mounted display like the‍ upcoming‌ Apple Vision Pro.

Let’s ⁢explore.

The double tap

The double-tap feature, which has been available as a little-known  Accessibility option for a⁢ while, allows an ⁢Apple Watch user to​ execute ‍a command without touching their watch or phone by ‌just tapping their fingers together twice. The phone isn’t involved (that’s how Microsoft handled a similar problem with HoloLens). The tapping motion is based on wrist ⁢movements instead. While initially this particular maneuver is limited to one gesture, there’s no reason a wide ​variety‌ of other gestures couldn’t emerge.

Imagine if you could communicate with your device using one hand instead of two; you could create documents at twice ‍the ⁤speed you ‍do now (and that’s without AI finishing words ​and sentences for you, which would be even faster). You would only need a⁤ smartphone and a ⁢headset instead ⁤of a full-fledged PC to get your work done.

American​ Sign Language vs.⁣ keyboard and mouse

Years ago, I trained to use American Sign Language (ASL) — not to communicate with people who had hearing problems but so I could communicate in loud environments (where I​ was basically deaf). ASL uses a variety of mainly one-handed gestures.

This is where it gets interesting.

Typically, you⁤ need to be able⁤ to sign at a speed of 110 to 130 words‍ per minute⁤ to have a conversation, while professional ‍typists type at between 43 and 95 words per minute. This was news to me when I first learned‍ it. But think of the implications of moving from typing to sign language: you’d see ‌a significant positive ⁣impact on productivity and the side benefits of being able to…

2023-09-16 03:48:03
Source from rnrn

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