British Man Found Guilty of Manslaughter of Terminally Ill Wife in Cyprus

British Man Found Guilty of Manslaughter of Terminally Ill Wife in Cyprus

British Man Found Guilty of Manslaughter of Terminally Ill Wife in Cyprus

A district ‌court in Cyprus has ruled‌ that ⁣a British‌ man committed manslaughter when⁣ he asphyxiated his terminally ill wife in ​their retirement home ‌on the island in December 2021.

Judges sitting ‍in ‌the coastal ‌city of Paphos said they had not found the former miner, David Hunter, ⁢76, guilty of premeditated‍ murder​ –⁢ the charge he had faced, which ‌carries a ⁢life sentence.

The ‍Briton, who claimed he smothered his wife, ⁤Janice, 74, to relieve ​her⁤ from the ⁤pain of blood cancer, sat grim-faced in⁣ the dock as the judge Michalis Droussiotis, ⁣presiding over the three-member tribunal, said there was no evidence to suggest “the murder had ⁣been preplanned.”

The ⁢verdict, reached almost ⁢18 months​ after the trial began, ⁤was ⁤met with ⁢relief by Hunter’s lawyers, who ⁢told the Guardian it would⁤ allow‌ the court ⁤“a freer hand” ​when it ‌came ⁤to ‌sentencing next Thursday. ⁣Throughout, legal proceedings had been harrowing, with the pensioner frequently‌ forced to‍ relive the traumatic ⁢events of⁢ the night on which he eventually submitted to Janice’s⁤ pleas ⁣to‍ end her suffering.

“We are pleased with ⁤the verdict today and‍ we will be seeking to persuade⁣ the ⁢court ⁤to ⁣give David a suspended⁣ sentence,”​ said the‌ British barrister Michael Polak, whose ⁤legal aid group, Justice Abroad, has coordinated the ‌defence. Hunter, who has⁢ lost ⁣considerable weight in the country’s central prison where⁤ he shares a cell with 11 ‌other⁣ men, told‌ reporters he ⁢was “elated” with the result.

“He ⁣is really happy but also speechless,” said Polak. “So much was riding‍ on this for him. ⁣He ‍told me⁢ he ⁤hadn’t slept‍ for three ‍or four days and‌ was so‍ tired he couldn’t speak or even smile.⁢ This is‌ a ⁣tragic⁢ case. Janice ⁤and David were in a loving relationship for ‍over 50⁣ years and it ⁢is clear that‍ David did ‍what he did‌ out of love for his ⁢wife, upon her request.”

In⁤ emotional testimony before the⁤ court in May, Hunter ⁣– ⁣who overdosed⁤ on prescription pills and alcohol ⁤in a suicide⁣ attempt the same ​night – described Janice as “not only my wife ⁢but ‍my ⁢best friend”.

The judgment is likely to prompt further debate on euthanasia, outlawed in Cyprus and ⁢long ‌considered ‌taboo. MPs⁤ in the ⁢Mediterranean country,‌ where‍ the⁢ Greek Orthodox church holds ⁢considerable⁣ sway,⁣ are due to⁢ begin‌ debating legislation that would allow assisted ⁤suicide and bring the island in⁤ line ⁢with other EU member states, but opposition is​ expected‍ to be fierce.

Janice’s debilitating ⁢illness and death⁣ marked a grim ⁤end to the “dream‍ life” abroad the couple had⁣ sought when they‌ moved ⁢to Cyprus, a ⁣former British‍ colony, ‍20 years‌ ago.

In mitigation​ arguments, Polak said the​ defence ⁢team would⁣ submit ⁤examples ⁢of case law from other⁤ common law jurisdictions⁤ where the ⁣courts had found “a suspended sentence is ​appropriate in similar circumstances”.

He said:‍ “There has been no⁢ case‌ like⁣ this ‍ever decided before on Cyprus.‍ It is unprecedented.”

Hunter,⁤ originally from ‌Ashington, Northumberland, ‌told the court in…

2023-07-21 09:39:26
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