Bridget Archer stands firm against Dutton on royal commission vote; Queensland fire prompts emergency warning in Australia

From ‍43m ⁢agoKey events19m agoNew Zealand to ⁤help fight bushfires in Australia, Murray Watt says43m⁤ agoBridget Archer defends defying Dutton on‌ royal commission vote1h agoFire truck rolls over in NSW with ⁢four people on board2h agoGood morning2h agoTripling of bulk billing incentive comes into effect ‍for GPs2h agoNSW residents urged to ‘remain vigilant’ as blaze hits ‍homes and spews spot⁣ fires2h agoFires threaten homes across Queensland as high temperatures and strong winds continue2h agoWelcomeFilters BETAKey events (8)Queensland (7)NSW (6)ABC RN (6)Israel (4)Brisbane (4)2m ago17.38 EDT

Simon Birmingham is again⁤ pressed on whether the world will accept continuing civilian deaths of such a scale amid the ‍Israel-Hamas war.

He told ABC RN there will “no doubt” be huge⁣ scrutiny in relation to this conflict:

Indeed, arguably, Israel has faced disproportionate scrutiny around human rights issues compared‌ with many many other challenges right​ around the world…

… I fully expect that many more qualified than me will seek to assess in terms of ‍the laws broken by ‍Hamas, ‌issues in terms of how this conflict and war unfold, but we ‍shouldn’t⁣ be drawing any type of moral equivalence⁢ between ​Israel,⁣ in their efforts to ​try to remove a terrorist actor ‌who initiated this ⁤conflict in‌ such…

(He was⁤ cut off before finishing ‌that sentence).

Birmingham said he “dearly wish[es] not to see any child ⁣face‍ the ⁣loss of their life in war torn situations”, but “there is ‌also the reality that the loss of innocent lives does occur in wars”.

How those wars are fought is important ‌and in this case,‌ why the ⁢war is being fought should not be forgotten by anybody in terms of that need to ‌remove a terrorist entity like Hamas.

5m ago17.36 EDT

ABC RN host Patricia Karvelas:

1000 children are dying a week, is​ that acceptable?

Liberal senator Simon Birmingham:

It’s a ‌tragedy, Patricia, it’s a tragedy and the loss ⁤of innocent lives, be they Palestinian lives, Jewish lives or⁤ any other lives, it’s always a‍ tragedy.

It’s hard to comprehend in terms ‍of ⁢the heartbreak that has been caused by Hamas’ actions and consequent actions to remove Hamas from power. But removing Hamas from power is a prerequisite for ensuring that Israel doesn’t face the type of attacks again in the future, and a prerequisite for Palestinian people’s having a chance of peace, a ⁢chance of leadership that ​could engage in negotiations that we would all wish one day in the future to see Israelis and Palestinians able to‌ live peacefully side ​by side.

8m ago17.33 EDT

Liberal ‍Senator⁤ Simon Birmingham⁢ spoke to ABC RN earlier about the Israel-Hamas war.

Asked about comments made by foreign minister Penny Wong that the world ⁤will not accept continuing civilian deaths, Birmingham replied that “tragically, there are civilian deaths that occur as a result of⁣ war”.

…and the war to remove Hamas from a position in which it was able to strike Israel and undertake the appalling terrorist…

2023-10-31 16:25:25
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