Breaking the Mold: Gen Z’s Revolution Against Asia’s Traditional Corporate Culture

Discover How Gen Zs Challenge Asia’s Traditional Corporate Environment

When a group of​ Generation-Z employees from Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, and Tokyo come together, they often converse fluently in English. However, their ⁢shared language of discontent lies⁤ in the rigid hierarchies and‍ demanding work culture prevalent in Asian corporations.

The strict ⁢organizational structures, excessive working hours, and emphasis on physical presence have left many young professionals feeling unfulfilled. According to Gallup’s annual global⁣ survey on employee well-being, only 18% of under-35s⁣ in East Asia report feeling engaged at work, well below the lackluster global average of 23%. Japan and Hong Kong rank poorly in terms of⁤ employee engagement across all age groups.

2024-06-13 08:53:48
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